Sep 4, 2009

5 Tips for Being Prepared for an Interview

1. Cover All Your Bases
Be prepared in all respects. Dress for the interview, be on time or early, look focused and like you want the job. Go in feeling confident and that this job is right for you. Words aren't the only form of communication, body language, appearance, eye contact, listening and firm handshake are some non-verbal forms of communication that will help you cover all your bases.
2. Researching
Finding out all you can about the company will help you understand what you're getting into and help you form intelligent questions to ask. With the vast knowledge that can be found on the internet, use it! Find out who their competitors are and how this can relate to the position you are applying for. This information can be used to help you stand out. Know where you're going for the interview and how to get there.
3. What to Bring
4. Questions, Questions
5. Time Commitment
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